HI All!
Anne now back in Scotland working socks off on more proposals! SOMEONE has to sponsor us!! Getting donations from friends and wellwishers in USA through the efforts of Susan's online fundraiser...$600 so far.. THANK YOU!!!!! Good trip to Kenya:- Visited libraries, had libraries meeting, took BookAid International's Lesley, and Jana from Aggreko to see our proposed library in Murang'a district..Went via KNLS(Kenya National Library Service) library in Thika... an eye opener I can tell you! Had 'tea' with a whole lot of powerful people (from USA Ambassador, to Prime ministers wife-!!!-) at Manu Chandaria's house.. cant for the life of me work out why I was invited, but I collected business cards, and have E mailed 'em all!!! Left more money for car repairs (sigh!), and are several steps nearer to securing funding from Safaricom Foundation for our new building for our library in Sipili!!!
OOO YES! Our books form Bookaid also arrived while I was there! Patrick collected them yesterday and they are now at our office waiting to be sorted into individual library's stock, then taken to each library.
ALSO met up with Little Hands Big Steps Mums at Mathare North. WOW! They want more!! So pleased! This idea is working and expanding! They feel wanted and important through the programme, and dont want this to end. They actually wrote me two letters, which I will put into this months Bibliosaur magazine.. if you want a copy E mail me!!
Now back in Scotland... Gonna see my Mum n Charlotte (my eldest) tho soon!! Yeay!
November 15th 2009
Sitting at Java coffee house in Sarit Centre as if I had never been away! Been here for nearly a week now... and have I been busy!
Had a libraries meeting with staff from all centres, and caught up with what has - and hasnt!- been happening.
Visited Kawangware library, and sorted out what has been going on there... a bit of "while the cat is away the mice will play"...Think have got Isobella back working there too, which is great. Have re inforced KLT concept and we all OK now!
Visited new MYSA Githurai library, and met all the staff. Douglas - who used to be at Mailie Saba- is now in charge there. The library has its shelving - which is APPALLING quality- and its stock, which we have started processing. Staff are now aware fo the reason for the library, and of what INFORMAL learning is. We actually have a lady here called Lillian... It would be good to see her stay! MYSA is giving all these volunteers lunch and transport money during their training.
We have decided to give the KLT office computer which we never use to Sipili library, so they can start a sustainability project. Susan Phillips has also promised to donate 2 printers and a second desk top computer for this. Patrick will help them find suitable premesis outside the library. They will offer printing, scanning facilities.
Also in regard to Sipili, Joseph who runs the library there has suffered greatly during the last year because of drought. We had previously purchased him a donkey with which he can make a small amount of omoney to sustain himself (remember, he is unpaid). During the drought the donkey died. Anne and Patrick will fund another donkey for him, as the rains have finally come, and he can put the donkey to work so he can buy food, and help his Dad who is sick.
Safaricom Foundation has agreed to fund building a new library for Sipili centre! Anne checked through all the documents on arriving in Kenya, and found some things included which were not needed, and some which WERE needed had been forgotten. We have signed documents, and submitted the required changes to Safaricom Foundation, and are hoping they will agree to these minimal changes.
At last! A permanent home for our Sipili library!!!
Maili Saba MYSA library is still not open due ot lack of fundning to complete the making of last pieces of shelving and the carpeting. Anne has sent off two proposals to two different organisations this week to get this library open.! It has beenr eady to open since February.. staff are trainind and the local commuity have been eagerly awaiting their new library. Thier hopes have been stunted by this delay. I would LOVE to see them open by Christmas. We are looking at about 68,000/- Kenyan Shillings.
Anne has also done a proposal to UNIASC, who gave us money earlier this year for books for our Little Hands, Big Steps project. This time we are asking for either money for Maili Saba, or money to purchase Africa Collection books for Sipili Centre
Anne is working with BookAid International, with some organisations who make libraries in the slums areas. Should be interesting!
We are also taking a prospective donor to visit our proposed library in Murang'a district. Fingers crossed!! We will be talking to community members etc about why they need a library etc, and looking at the existing building and proposed alterations.
During Anne's time in Scotland she set up a KidsLibs Trust group on Facebook! We have 30 members already!!!
Anne returns to Scotland on 21st, hoping n praying for miracle funding to get her back to Kenya for a period of at least a year (prefurabley for 5 years!) to complete and develop exisiting libraries, and to finish creating up to 4 others.
Anne is not the only one who has been busy!
Susan Phillips- our Trusty Trustee!- has been coordinating an on line fundraising and awareness campaign throughout November! These have been some fun letters to our online supporters asking them to send our details on to friends and familiy who may be interested. usan has also been updating the website and keeping it fun and interesting! ALSO she has been networking like mad, as well as keeping Patrick mobile thorugh providing funds for fuel etc needed to do his KLT work.
Patrick has been manning the fort while Anne has been away. He has liased with Safaricom Foundation about our wonderful Toyota Hilux, and also about the library in Sipili; he has collected many donations of stock, unpacked books at our office at Sara Lee's,etc etc etc. THANK YOU!!!!
Jane Ainslie in UK is busy still trying to set us up as a UK charity! This will help us so much, allowing us to apply for a greater range of funding, as well as allowing donors to claim their tax back.
Neil Jones our accountant has risen to the challenge, and has been producing KLT accounts for us which are needed to be submitted with many proposals.
OK! Talk again soon!!!