Now Anne is back in Kenya we can get on and DO stuff!!!Yesterday Anne and Patrick visited the site of the new building in Sipili . The library looks wonderful- I love the blue! We have some small jobs to finish- letting th eplaster dry being a major job, and difficult to accomplish due to the rains being frequent and heavy at the moment. Still hope to open early May...
fingers crossed!!! This is another project funded by SAFARICOM FOUNDATION. Thank you so much!!
Little Hands... Little Hands Big Steps stage 2! We have now oganised to do the hand prints on the LHBS bags on April 24th at Kawangware library! We hope to get about 10 3 year olds to help us decorate our bags! Anne has book collections organised- some more to buy, then we can start staff training with them and introduce to our KLT centres! Exciting stuff!!!
Gacharageini Library Well we are here in Gacharageini and making a start! The KLT books are here, and 7 trainees selected. They now know all abour what KLT does- and why we do it!! Look at that view outside the library window.. breathtaking! Sould have bank account sorted out this week so we can purchase stationary and start work... a change of priest a month ago has caused many delays! Think we should be back on track soon!! Many thanks to BOOKAID INTERNATIONAL for funding this project!Possible New Library in Kinamba
village in Laikipia West.Patrick and I had a meeting with some chosen community members - including the local chief- in Kinamba about making a library there. Kinamba is somewhere we know well, having to pass through it to get to Sipili. It has a population of over 20,000 in 2009 censu, with many primary and secondary schools. It is an active, buzzing community all day every day.. great for a library.
The library committee is made up of retired teachers, farmers, and shop keepers.
They are putting a proposal together to KLT, and we will then try to find donor money to make LIBRARY NUMBER 7!! We hope to be able to make Sipili and Kinamba 'sister' libraries, and have them working together to serve a larger community, possibly with Joseph from Sipili in overall charge of both libraries. Kinamba Library committee... plus Patrick!
Kawangware Library is benefitting form a donation from Rachel Altmann and her family so we can purchase 4 new library shelves- 3 for the children's area, and one for the adults. THANK YOU ALTMANN FAMILY!!Anne and Patrick have taken visitors from CISP (an Italian NGO) to visit Mathare North MYSA centre, had meetings with Don Howrad and his lady wife re a collaboration over training staff in making children's libraries, organised meeting swith another two groups, and accepted a donation of books form Francis Oludhe (to be delivered on Saturday).. and I havent even been here 2 weeks yet!!!
SOOO good to be back and working again doing what I love , and what I know is needed! Talk after LHBS painting session!!!!