Kawangware also received 5 new shelves courtesy of a donation from the Altmann family; for Mum and Dad combined birthdays! We have been able to give some new stock to fill the new shelves' Kawangware will now have a Young Adults collection for the first time, also new picture books, first readers and more Adults fiction MANY thanks Altmann family!!! Will be sending you photos when the books go onto the shelves!
Sipili Library meanwhile is sooo nearly ready! Painting is done inside (sorry! photo didnt work!), water tank and gutters are in now for rain harvesting, just waiting for our solar power.. Joseph is champing at the bit wanting to move shelves and books down to new building... SOON!!! We are also working on a water project with Coca Cola Africa to help the environment here, and to help the local girls.
Gacharageini. Well, we start painting on monday... at last! There will be two walls we cannot paint right now as the plaster is not dry, but we will paint all the rest. We hope to receive our extra funding via BookAid International to put electrical wiring in, and our super carpet! Still hope to open 14th August!!

That is it for this week!!! I am doing storytelling training with the trainees at Gacharageini on Monday, then helping with painting as of Wednesday. Patrick is as always pushing builders, helping motivate and rushing around finding materials!
Talk next week!!