Saturday, 18 September 2010

Possible next library location...

Sosian is a village located in Laikipia province. It is a small place, with a hard working population, who mainly work for the nearest large farm. There are a mixed group of tribes here, but all think of themselves as Sosian people: tribe is irrelevent. There are 13 villages within walking distance (up to 3 hours walk), and six primary schools, plus one secondary school within the 1,345 square KM, and a population of 13,571.

 The community is very keen to progress and develop their skills. The nearest library is 17 km walk away. The community is willing to donate a 1/2 acre plot for their library. This plot is located within the grounds of the school, but well away from the school buildings, so the library wil not disturb the school- or the school disturb the library!

After talking to the local employing farmer we will start looking for funding- and books!! Our library here will not be too big, and will be stone built, with high walls and many windows to allows for ventilation in this hot climate. We will also include solar power here- we are assured that it will not be stolen!!

Donated piece of land

Talk soon!