Monday, 29 September 2008


Well, have been back a while now, and things moving along!!! Still waiting for the website to be up and active!! Should be soon now!!

Eastleigh has received their donation from Eastleigh UK, when Joshe and I went to choose Africa Collection materials (books written by African writers, or about Africa, or in African languages) a few weeks ago!! THANK YOU EASTLEIGH UK!!! Eastleigh Nairobi has also re organised all of thier rooms!!! It is SO much better.. much more space! ALSO MYSA opened their cyber cafe in their Eastleigh offices TODAY!!!! Not part of KidsLIbs library, but still a great initiative for the community!!

Kawangware: Well, we are trying to move building! The centre theere has proved SOOOO popular that we really need to move to bigger premises. Also the landlord has increased the rent.... We think we have found a room which may be donated using CDF funds (comunity development fund, controlled by local MP). Here's hoping!!! WFF and KLT are putting a proposal together, and hpe to be successful! We then will try to find a donor to purchase more shelving, carpeting etc.

UKENYA, Kayole. Still not signing on to KidsLIbs. Sad as they are losing out on so many benefits! theyt may yet change their minds!!!

Mathare North is ticking over well!! Still processing a lot of new stock!!!

Sipili, Laikipia West. I went ot visit them 2 weeks ago, and th ecentre still looks great!!! Joseph is blossoming!!! the school for the deaf (which ia next door to our centre) performed a drama for us... which has led to us needing to purchase a digital video camera to record such events to put onto our new website!!! The chairs for this centre are now safely in place, Still need to organise the library committee into a working group for the benefit of the community. John is also still coordinating the drama group! So much potential here!! Will return in October to talk to new head of Lariak Primary school, and to Joseph about class visits.

Maile Saba. Training is progressing here. I think we MAY be able to open in December all going well!!! New shelving is being constructed, as shelving that was made was of extremely poor quality.

Githurai, Well 3 years on Githurai is STILL not ready for stock!! The floor is still not completed, or the ceiling- it leaks-. Watch this space!!! MYSA has the stock for Githurai housed at Eastleigh currently.

KidsLibs Trust. Well, Sara Lee have given us an office! They are also suppplying all the furniture for us! Hpe this will be ready this week. Smita Pandit (chair of KLT Trust) has donated a desktop computer for th eoffice. Anne is trying to find a good printer and laminator this week to complete the office. If we find a good printer we may be able to print out new business cards- which are too expensive to get made (last ones were donated!) and even a leaflet about KLT!!!

Anne now has a salary set up, and is trying to organise accountants, audits etc both for the Trust and for her!!!


Digital Camcorder.
bikes for each centre to collect newspapers
Vehicle for KLT which is strong and durable
funding for new centres
funding to create Africa collections in all centres
funding to employ P.A for Anne (he is currently unpaid)
CURRENT information books!
method of transporting book donations form across the planet to our centres
a tractor for sustainability of Sipili centre in Laikipia West(adults AND kids!)

Talk soon!!!!


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