Monday, 26 October 2009


Well, after 8 weeks in Scotland applying for temporary jobs, Christmas jobs, library assistant one night a week jobs, I have landed a job for 4 days which gets me home to Kenya!

I will be back on 9th November to visit all libraries and friends, then have work with BOOKAID INTERNATIONAL for four days, showing them the KLT libraries, taking a prospective donor to Muranga proposed centre, and helping to write a proposal!


ALSO Sara Peterson in USA has re design
ed our KLT leaflet, and is raisingmoney to get some printed!! YEAY!! GO Sara!! She is also doing the sub titling of the dramas and raps performed by the kids in our libraries.


Marline Peterson her Mum is also trying to raise money for us, through putting articles in Libraries of Hope Magazine.

Patricia Little, a member of AFK who came to
see Mathare North MYSA centre in August has also sent us some fuel money, also Donna Kranik donated some fuel money, so Patrick was able to collect books, visit libraries, sort books at Sara Lee etc. MANY THANKS!!! Every little helps!

Rosslyn Academy
have again donated some books.

We are mid doing the paperwork for Coca Cola Africa too.. all fingers and toes crossed for 3 years of funding...! Many thanks to Susan Githuku for her help with Coke.

Githurai opened with no books, but Joshe tell
s me he has started training staff there.

Autumn here has been so beautiful! Now the wind is taking the brightly coloured leaves off the trees and blowing them into heaps.. which I am delighting in jumping in!!! My first autumn for 16 years...

Some sad sad sad news. Our Trustee and very dear friend Jill Simpson passed away on Wednesday last week, of a sudden and completely unexpected heart attack. We are devastated by her passing, but will keep in touch with Angus her husband.
Jill contributed in so many ways to KLT, particularly in her local knowledge and her enthusiasm and belief in what we are trying
to accomplish with KLT libraries.

Patrick has been holding the fort, holding down his night job, and keeping KLT operational.. he is amazing! THANK YOU THANK YOU!!

KLT - well, Patrick!- also moved Little Hands Big Steps to Sipili library
a few weeks ago! We hope this will work as well as it did in Mathare North! We also hope to get a report about their Super Angels girls group very soon... even get some photos!
Safaricom Foundation, not only have donated us a Toyota Hilux, but they are also funding the building of a new building for our Sipili library so we can move out of the two classrooms at Lariak Primary school! Patrick has been gathering up all the required documents they have asked for, and we may be under way in the New Year!

We should also mention the mechanic who has been helping us with repairs to the Safaricom vehicle for free. Such help from local businesses is rare and greatly appreciated. A BIG thank you form ALL KLT staff!

Think that is it! Wil write more after my trip to my Kenya and the libraries!

Is now dark here by 5pm.. the clocks went back on Saturday night... such short days...

Tuesday, 6 October 2009

It's gettin chilly.. Needing miracles

Well, Anne still in Scotland, and Patrick holding the fort in Kenya!

Anne has written several proposals- formal and informal in style!- but no replies as yet! Sir Richard Branson has been approached too.

Hoping to give some talks to Lions clubs, Rotary Clubs, and Girl Guide groups, but no replies from them either.

Still hunting for a printer to produce our KLT leaflet, which has been re designed by Sara Peterson in USA!... best price so far is £90 for 250 leaflets... £90 too much!

Patrick has been sorting vehicle repairs, and getting the sticker for the hilux... NOT an easy task!

Pat has also been stamping and packing children's stock for
Gacharageini Village, Njumbi Location, Mathioya Division in Muranga library, and talking to several new groups who are wanting libraries.

We are also talking to Rafiki Trust in Kisumu area re creating several libraries with them in the Kisumu area.

Anne's work permit is renewed! Yeay!

Githurai MYSA library was formally opened in September with their Dutch donor. The library still has no shelving or stock or staff, but these will come... Anne has to return to train staff and organise stock here!

We are also awaiting the arrival of a large donation of bookstock from BookAid International for all existing libraries.

We are also hoping for a positive response from Bookaid re a donor to build the rest of the library in
Gacharageini Village, Njumbi Location, Mathioya Division in Muranga- another project that Anne has to be back to complete! VERY FRUSTRATING!!!

Praying for miracles now...