Well, Anne still in Scotland, and Patrick holding the fort in Kenya!
Anne has written several proposals- formal and informal in style!- but no replies as yet! Sir Richard Branson has been approached too.
Hoping to give some talks to Lions clubs, Rotary Clubs, and Girl Guide groups, but no replies from them either.
Still hunting for a printer to produce our KLT leaflet, which has been re designed by Sara Peterson in USA!... best price so far is £90 for 250 leaflets... £90 too much!
Patrick has been sorting vehicle repairs, and getting the sticker for the hilux... NOT an easy task!
Pat has also been stamping and packing children's stock for Gacharageini Village, Njumbi Location, Mathioya Division in Muranga library, and talking to several new groups who are wanting libraries.
We are also talking to Rafiki Trust in Kisumu area re creating several libraries with them in the Kisumu area.
Anne's work permit is renewed! Yeay!
Githurai MYSA library was formally opened in September with their Dutch donor. The library still has no shelving or stock or staff, but these will come... Anne has to return to train staff and organise stock here!
We are also awaiting the arrival of a large donation of bookstock from BookAid International for all existing libraries.
We are also hoping for a positive response from Bookaid re a donor to build the rest of the library in Gacharageini Village, Njumbi Location, Mathioya Division in Muranga- another project that Anne has to be back to complete! VERY FRUSTRATING!!!
Praying for miracles now...
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