YEAY!! Safaricom Foundation have agreed to give us the money to build our new library in Sipili! Patrick is collecting first installment today (17th Dec), so we should be able to start construction early in New Year! Patrick will be supervising the construction.
ALSO Maili Saba now has its carpet and is open to the public- at last!!! They still - from what I can pick up- have no catalogue drawers, and still need to replace kinderboxes and children's shelving, but we hope MYSA will find these things in the very near future. The community of Maili Saba have waited SOOO long! WELL DONE Kennedy and Simon!
Githurai is making progress under the direction of Douglas (who was trained at Maili Saba).They are processing their books currently. Douglas also helped out with...
BookAid International book delivery! These books arrived when Anne was in Kenya. They have now been sorted by Patrick, with the help of Steve and Charles from Mathare North MYSA centre, and of Douglas from Githurai MYSA centre. Patrick has delevered these books to all MYSA centres so far, and will get to Sipili we hope before Christmas. He is checking on the situation at Kawangware library before taking the books there.
We are still hoping for good news re a donor to build our centre in Murang'a district...
I am SO relieved that KLT and the libraries are continuing- even though I am not there. What a relief! I am looking for donors, but may have to get a full time job, save like mad, and get back to Kenya under my own power.
We received money during the November campaign, and this will in part help Patrick visit the libraries etc and deliver stock (fuel costs etc).
We have several proposals in to help us create more Little Hands Big Steps bag sets, so we can run the project from every KLT centre, and also for girlchild 'Super Angels' groups. Hope to get some positive news soon.
That's it for now! Talk soon! Any ideas of funds gratefully received! There is so much more we can do!
Help Anne to get back to Kenya to get more libraries open, and to develop exisiting ones in good positive ways.. and to spread the word about books.
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