Saturday, 23 January 2016

We are still here!

After 4 years! Can't believe it has been that long!
Patrick and I are now both living in Scotland. I have been here for over 3 years now, and am a school librarian at a high school. I had a brief time working in Slave Lake in Canada. Patrick arrived here in 2013.
This year , thanks to children, parents, work colleagues and other school and public libraries in the Falkirk area we have collected about 3000 books for Sipili Community library!

Hopefully these will leave Scotland soon and be on their way to Kenya!
Is interesting being on the other side of donations! Finding places to store books, packing them up, labeling them- and importantly finding someone to transport them to Kenya.
Watch this space for new of their arrival!

Time is Scotland has been spent educating people here about Kenya- and about Africa generally. I stared a Celebrating Africa week at school every June (near The Day of The African Child) to show the good things about a wonderful continent. The media here only show the bad: corruption, famine, drought and war. Peopke need to know the good! We have storytellers, musicians, artists, authors ...anyone who really knows Africa and who can communicate their love of a great continent to others.

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