Well Sankofa: a journal of African Children's and Young Adult Literature Volume 8 2009 is out in USA... AND WE ARE IN IT!!! Our Patron Beverley Naidoo has written a great article about her book Burn my Heart, and she talks a lot about KLT- including about Little Hands Big Steps, and our Super Angels girls groups!! Do have a look, and let me know if you manage to see it!!
Wednesday, 30 December 2009
Well Sankofa: a journal of African Children's and Young Adult Literature Volume 8 2009 is out in USA... AND WE ARE IN IT!!! Our Patron Beverley Naidoo has written a great article about her book Burn my Heart, and she talks a lot about KLT- including about Little Hands Big Steps, and our Super Angels girls groups!! Do have a look, and let me know if you manage to see it!!
Saturday, 19 December 2009
...and there's more...

Anne and Patrick will start working on this early in the new year to get the books organised, get a group together to have a marvellously mucky time doing hand prints with 3 year olds from our libraries- this is how we decorate the LHBS bookbags!-, then distrubute to all KLT centres. WONDERFUL! Have been dying to do this since we launched the first LHBS in June!
Hope is restored!!
Emm Wiki.. be proud!!!
SOO I have entered KidslLibs Trust as a charity entrant in theEdinburgh Half marathon (13. something miles)! Anyone interested in running with me? I start training in New Year... I have paid for 5 places, and other ones will have to pay for themselves.. SORRY!
Want to try to get T shirts with our logo on (our wee Bibliosaur) and run wearing big round specs like he has, plus carry a book (like he does!).
Already have a specs shop trying to locate the glasses frames for us!!
This is a great way both to get fit AND to raise money for KLT.. I am planning on approaching public libraries here to see if they will put up a display and put out sponsor forms or collection boxes..
ANY more ideas welcome!!!
Thursday, 17 December 2009
Santa is coming- to Sipili!!! Watch this space!

YEAY!! Safaricom Foundation have agreed to give us the money to build our new library in Sipili! Patrick is collecting first installment today (17th Dec), so we should be able to start construction early in New Year! Patrick will be supervising the construction.
ALSO Maili Saba now has its carpet and is open to the public- at last!!! They still - from what I can pick up- have no catalogue drawers, and still need to replace kinderboxes and children's shelving, but we hope MYSA will find these things in the very near future. The community of Maili Saba have waited SOOO long! WELL DONE Kennedy and Simon!
Githurai is making progress under the direction of Douglas (who was trained at Maili Saba).They are processing their books currently. Douglas also helped out with...
BookAid International book delivery! These books arrived when Anne was in Kenya. They have now been sorted by Patrick, with the help of Steve and Charles from Mathare North MYSA centre, and of Douglas from Githurai MYSA centre. Patrick has delevered these books to all MYSA centres so far, and will get to Sipili we hope before Christmas. He is checking on the situation at Kawangware library before taking the books there.
We are still hoping for good news re a donor to build our centre in Murang'a district...
I am SO relieved that KLT and the libraries are continuing- even though I am not there. What a relief! I am looking for donors, but may have to get a full time job, save like mad, and get back to Kenya under my own power.
We received money during the November campaign, and this will in part help Patrick visit the libraries etc and deliver stock (fuel costs etc).
We have several proposals in to help us create more Little Hands Big Steps bag sets, so we can run the project from every KLT centre, and also for girlchild 'Super Angels' groups. Hope to get some positive news soon.
That's it for now! Talk soon! Any ideas of funds gratefully received! There is so much more we can do!
Help Anne to get back to Kenya to get more libraries open, and to develop exisiting ones in good positive ways.. and to spread the word about books.
Wednesday, 25 November 2009
Whirlwind trip in Kenya- to windy wet Scotland!!
Anne now back in Scotland working socks off on more proposals! SOMEONE has to sponsor us!!
Getting donations from friends and wellwishers in USA through the efforts of Susan's online fundraiser...$600 so far.. THANK YOU!!!!!
Good trip to Kenya:- Visited libraries, had libraries meeting, took BookAid International's Lesley, and Jana from Aggreko to see our proposed library in Murang'a district..Went via KNLS(Kenya National Library Service) library in Thika... an eye opener I can tell you! Had 'tea' with a whole lot of powerful people (from USA Ambassador, to Prime ministers wife-!!!-) at Manu Chandaria's house.. cant for the life of me work out why I was invited, but I collected business cards, and have E mailed 'em all!!! Left more money for car repairs (sigh!), and are several steps nearer to securing funding from Safaricom Foundation for our new building for our library in Sipili!!!
OOO YES! Our books form Bookaid also arrived while I was there! Patrick collected them yesterday and they are now at our office waiting to be sorted into individual library's stock, then taken to each library.
ALSO met up with Little Hands Big Steps Mums at Mathare North. WOW! They want more!! So pleased! This idea is working and expanding! They feel wanted and important through the programme, and dont want this to end. They actually wrote me two letters, which I will put into this months Bibliosaur magazine.. if you want a copy E mail me!!
Now back in Scotland... Gonna see my Mum n Charlotte (my eldest) tho soon!! Yeay!

Sunday, 15 November 2009
Sitting at Java coffee house in Sarit Centre as if I had never been away! Been here for nearly a week now... and have I been busy!
Had a libraries meeting with staff from all centres, and caught up with what has - and hasnt!- been happening.
Visited Kawangware library, and sorted out what has been going on there... a bit of "while the cat is away the mice will play"...Think have got Isobella back working there too, which is great. Have re inforced KLT concept and we all OK now!
Visited new MYSA Githurai library, and met all the staff. Douglas - who used to be at Mailie Saba- is now in charge there. The library has its shelving - which is APPALLING quality- and its stock, which we have started processing. Staff are now aware fo the reason for the library, and of what INFORMAL learning is. We actually have a lady here called Lillian... It would be good to see her stay! MYSA is giving all these volunteers lunch and transport money during their training.
We have decided to give the KLT office computer which we never use to Sipili library, so they can start a sustainability project. Susan Phillips has also promised to donate 2 printers and a second desk top computer for this. Patrick will help them find suitable premesis outside the library. They will offer printing, scanning facilities.
Also in regard to Sipili, Joseph who runs the library there has suffered greatly during the last year because of drought. We had previously purchased him a donkey with which he can make a small amount of omoney to sustain himself (remember, he is unpaid). During the drought the donkey died. Anne and Patrick will fund another donkey for him, as the rains have finally come, and he can put the donkey to work so he can buy food, and help his Dad who is sick.
Safaricom Foundation has agreed to fund building a new library for Sipili centre! Anne checked through all the documents on arriving in Kenya, and found some things included which were not needed, and some which WERE needed had been forgotten. We have signed documents, and submitted the required changes to Safaricom Foundation, and are hoping they will agree to these minimal changes.
At last! A permanent home for our Sipili library!!!
Maili Saba MYSA library is still not open due ot lack of fundning to complete the making of last pieces of shelving and the carpeting. Anne has sent off two proposals to two different organisations this week to get this library open.! It has beenr eady to open since February.. staff are trainind and the local commuity have been eagerly awaiting their new library. Thier hopes have been stunted by this delay. I would LOVE to see them open by Christmas. We are looking at about 68,000/- Kenyan Shillings.
Anne has also done a proposal to UNIASC, who gave us money earlier this year for books for our Little Hands, Big Steps project. This time we are asking for either money for Maili Saba, or money to purchase Africa Collection books for Sipili Centre
Anne is working with BookAid International, with some organisations who make libraries in the slums areas. Should be interesting!
We are also taking a prospective donor to visit our proposed library in Murang'a district. Fingers crossed!! We will be talking to community members etc about why they need a library etc, and looking at the existing building and proposed alterations.
During Anne's time in Scotland she set up a KidsLibs Trust group on Facebook! We have 30 members already!!!
Anne returns to Scotland on 21st, hoping n praying for miracle funding to get her back to Kenya for a period of at least a year (prefurabley for 5 years!) to complete and develop exisiting libraries, and to finish creating up to 4 others.
Anne is not the only one who has been busy!
Susan Phillips- our Trusty Trustee!- has been coordinating an on line fundraising and awareness campaign throughout November! These have been some fun letters to our online supporters asking them to send our details on to friends and familiy who may be interested. usan has also been updating the website and keeping it fun and interesting! ALSO she has been networking like mad, as well as keeping Patrick mobile thorugh providing funds for fuel etc needed to do his KLT work.
Patrick has been manning the fort while Anne has been away. He has liased with Safaricom Foundation about our wonderful Toyota Hilux, and also about the library in Sipili; he has collected many donations of stock, unpacked books at our office at Sara Lee's,etc etc etc. THANK YOU!!!!
Jane Ainslie in UK is busy still trying to set us up as a UK charity! This will help us so much, allowing us to apply for a greater range of funding, as well as allowing donors to claim their tax back.
Neil Jones our accountant has risen to the challenge, and has been producing KLT accounts for us which are needed to be submitted with many proposals.
OK! Talk again soon!!!
Monday, 26 October 2009
I will be back on 9th November to visit all libraries and friends, then have work with BOOKAID INTERNATIONAL for four days, showing them the KLT libraries, taking a prospective donor to Muranga proposed centre, and helping to write a proposal!
ALSO Sara Peterson in USA has re designed our KLT leaflet, and is raisingmoney to get some printed!! YEAY!! GO Sara!! She is also doing the sub titling of the dramas and raps performed by the kids in our libraries.
Marline Peterson her Mum is also trying to raise money for us, through putting articles in Libraries of Hope Magazine.
Patricia Little, a member of AFK who came to see Mathare North MYSA centre in August has also sent us some fuel money, also Donna Kranik donated some fuel money, so Patrick was able to collect books, visit libraries, sort books at Sara Lee etc. MANY THANKS!!! Every little helps!
Rosslyn Academy have again donated some books.
We are mid doing the paperwork for Coca Cola Africa too.. all fingers and toes crossed for 3 years of funding...! Many thanks to Susan Githuku for her help with Coke.
Githurai opened with no books, but Joshe tells me he has started training staff there.
Autumn here has been so beautiful! Now the wind is taking the brightly coloured leaves off the trees and blowing them into heaps.. which I am delighting in jumping in!!! My first autumn for 16 years...
Some sad

Jill contributed in so many ways to KLT, particularly in her local knowledge and her enthusiasm and belief in what we are trying to accomplish with KLT libraries.
Patrick has been holding the fort, holding down his night job, and keeping KLT operational.. he is amazing! THANK YOU THANK YOU!!
KLT - well, Patrick!- also moved Little Hands Big Steps to Sipili library a few weeks ago! We hope this will work as well as it did in Mathare North! We also hope to get a report about their Super Angels girls group very soon... even get some photos!

Safaricom Foundation, not only have donated us a Toyota Hilux, but they are also funding the building of a new building for our Sipili library so we can move out of the two classrooms at Lariak Primary school! Patrick has been gathering up all the required documents they have asked for, and we may be under way in the New Year!
We should also mention the mechanic who has been helping us with repairs to the Safaricom vehicle for free. Such help from local businesses is rare and greatly appreciated. A BIG thank you form ALL KLT staff!
Think that is it! Wil write more after my trip to my Kenya and the libraries!
Is now dark here by 5pm.. the clocks went back on Saturday night... such short days...
Tuesday, 6 October 2009
It's gettin chilly.. Needing miracles

Well, Anne still in Scotland, and Patrick holding the fort in Kenya!
Anne has written several proposals- formal and informal in style!- but no replies as yet! Sir Richard Branson has been approached too.
Hoping to give some talks to Lions clubs, Rotary Clubs, and Girl Guide groups, but no replies from them either.
Still hunting for a printer to produce our KLT leaflet, which has been re designed by Sara Peterson in USA!... best price so far is £90 for 250 leaflets... £90 too much!
Patrick has been sorting vehicle repairs, and getting the sticker for the hilux... NOT an easy task!
Pat has also been stamping and packing children's stock for Gacharageini Village, Njumbi Location, Mathioya Division in Muranga library, and talking to several new groups who are wanting libraries.
We are also talking to Rafiki Trust in Kisumu area re creating several libraries with them in the Kisumu area.
Anne's work permit is renewed! Yeay!
Githurai MYSA library was formally opened in September with their Dutch donor. The library still has no shelving or stock or staff, but these will come... Anne has to return to train staff and organise stock here!
We are also awaiting the arrival of a large donation of bookstock from BookAid International for all existing libraries.
We are also hoping for a positive response from Bookaid re a donor to build the rest of the library in Gacharageini Village, Njumbi Location, Mathioya Division in Muranga- another project that Anne has to be back to complete! VERY FRUSTRATING!!!
Praying for miracles now...
Thursday, 10 September 2009
Tis a Braw bricht nicht the nicht...
Working with Jane Ainslie to make KLT UK branch! Also with Susan who is working to get an annual budget (required for all proposals and to become a UK charity) from our accountant Neil.
I am also trying to find a printer in Edinburgh to print our KLT leaflet for free... this is a real challenge!!
Little Hands, Big Steps closed at Mathare North! THe children will receive a goodie bag (of books!) and a certificate this Saturday. LHBS will move to Sipili Library! Let's see if it will be as successful there! When we get funding we hope to create some new sets of books and introduce in all centres, rotating families rather than the books!!
Just a wee update today!!!
Talk soon!
Thursday, 20 August 2009
The Time has come.. I WILL BE BACK!!!
Going to UK (Edinburgh) to find donor/s to continue working and making libraries here in Kenya. Leaving on 27th. Will be back asap! Patrick in charge while I am away with the help of Trusty Trustee Susan!!
I WILL BE BACK (Arnie S. said)!!!
Wednesday, 15 July 2009
one wheel on my wagon, n I'm still rollin along....
Cant get to libraries now other than by taxi, matatu or hire a car.
Consignment of books arrived from UK courtesy of Pauline Cunningham and Tony Kennedy! They arrived on Monday, and we will start to unpack tomorrow! It is like Christmas!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!! Cant get books like these in Kenya!!
Anne also working on renewal of her work permit..see?! Still living in hope!! Have a meeting with KNLS tomorrow re this.
Joseph in Sipili, Laikipia West has been prepairing a drama dealing with the post election violence (which is still going on there) with the library clubs. They want us to make a DVD of this. So we are trying to find funding for costumes, make up etc.
The website has been updated in part, and each centre page now has a photo of their staff on their home page!!
BookAid International is trying to find funding for us to make the centre in Murang'a! Stock has been boxed and sent up to Murang'a this week.We have also filled in the copious number of forms per KLT centre to apply for stock donations for each KLT centre from BookAid.
MYSA is trying hard now to get Maili Saba open before the end of July. Let's hope they succeed!
Proposals have been sent to Coca Cola Africa and to Oprah... Someone has to feel we are worth it and support us!! Ever hopeful!!
Talk again soon!!!
Wednesday, 1 July 2009
Little Hands really ARE Making Big Steps!!
Well LHBS has been running for three weeks now! The comments from the logbooks are great - we now know that:
- Schofield (age 13 months) likes books about animals and likes to make the noises!!!!
- All the kids love anything with animals
- All kids like colourful books
- All kids hated 'Moja means one' even tho it is in Swahili!
- Kids love to trun the pages
- Parents and other family members also reading the books!
- Most are managing to read even for ashort while daily. Some only a few times a week, one 20 minutes twice a day!
I will go to talk to the parnts this weekend to see how they are doing too! Trying to convince fathers that they can do this too.
Monday, 8 June 2009
Little Hands Big Steps was launched yesterday!!

At last Little Hands Big Steps is running!
We launched yesterday at Mathare North MYSA library with four Mums and one Dad!! Our youngest is 3 months, and out oldest 4 years!! We started by giving the books to each chil- one immediately stopped crying! The four year old had been running around, and he sat SOO well on his Mums knee!

I explained how the book bags are exchanged every week for a period of 10 weeks. Also about the little logbook inside each bag, which they must complete every week (this says how often they used the books, if any other family member helped, if the children liked or disliked the books, etc). Steve explained how there will be a certificate at the end of the 10 weeks, and that each child will be given some books to keep at home after the programme.

If this works we will introduce LHBS to other centres and start a trend of reading in Kenya with under 5 year olds!!!

Many thanks to AFK and Norwich Rotary club in the USA for their donation of funds to purchase some of the books for this... cant do it without you guys!!!
Monday, 25 May 2009
May activity!!
e proposals have been sent. However, we now have a young lady who is visiting in Gilgil who is a professional proposal writer- Lorna. Lorna is working on a proposal for us, and also some letters of enquiry: Proposals will go to Richard Branson, and ‘letters of enquiry’ to Oprah and to Global Fund for Children (letters of enquiry are sent, then, if there is interest we will be requested to make a full proposal.
· Funding expires end of July...
· Kawangware paperwork is completed and signed! New staff have been interviewed, and Lucy started working there last week! Maurice is still there from the original staff as a paid volunteer. The library has been PACKED over April- May, due to school holidays. DEC (who run the library) moved tables outside the building so all people wanting to use the library could be accommodated!
Henry from Kawangware centre receiving his certificate.
· Booklists. Anne has created a ‘Fantasy Booklist’; a list of recommended fantasy themed books for older children... these have a small review. We hope to get children and staff from each of our centres to create their own themed lists! We would like to get this list – and others to follow- printed and available for our library users.
· STILL looking for a donor to produce our KLT leaflet...
· Safaricom Foundation has given us a letter to say that they intend to give us a pick up truck! Anne is now working on the required paperwork, which will go to Safaricom this week! We may yet have our vehicle before the end of May... watch this space!!!
· We have started a girlchild club at Mathare North. Ann Chege talked to a group of 20 girls (aged 10 – 22) about hygiene. Ann has also talked to the girls about early marriages. The girls have called themselves Mathare Super Angels!
We are keen to start our club in Sipili in Laikipia West. A lady Kenyan
psychologist is keen to help us with this group, but we are having trouble finding a convenient Saturday! We still have no funding for transport, food, etc, but hope to combine the first visit with our monthly visit to the library.
· Duty exemption from KRA.. the is still being organised. Not hopeful though.
· STILL trying to find someone to set us up as a charity in the UK.. This is rather urgent as we want to apply to Comic Relief for funding, and have to be a registered charity in the UK before we can apply. We even have a letter of support form DFAID waiting to attach to our application!
· A consignment of books is being organised from the UK by Pauline Cunningham. These have left the UK and are on their way to Kenya!
· Maili Saba is still not open. Waiting for rest of furniture, catalogue drawers and carpet, which is dependent on funding from MYSA. Very discouraging for both staff and the local community, whose enthusiasm has been sadly dampened.
Douglas from Maili Saba receiving his certificate
· Little Hands, Big Steps, our family reading project is starting at Mathare North in June! This is a trial project! If it works we will introduce to our other centres. 5 families/ carers of under 5 year olds have been chosen by MN staff. They will each receive a bag of 5 books every week, returning their bag weekly to receive a new one, for a 10 week period, with instructions on how to use them with their youngest children. Introducing books at this age is not only a great boost to their later education, but is a joy and a means to increase parent/ child bonding.AFK in the USA have helped with this project, supplying book-bags, and facilitating a donation form Norwich Rotary club in the USA with which we have purchased some of the Africa themed books included in our book-bags
· Staff at all centres received their basic library training certificates at the April libraries meeting! Storytelling course certificates will follow!
· Possible new centre in Marang’a area.
Anne and Patrick have had meetings with several organisations re making further centres. The most positive one is in Marang’a area up country. This is with our great friend and colleague Zack Gichane, who is responsible for our liaison with Sara Lee Kenya (they give us free office space, as well as supporting Mathare North library financially). We visited the area (predominantly tea growing), and spoke to some community members. There is in existing building- see previous blog!
· We plan to computerise Maile Saba and Kawangware centres, using Bookmark, which was donated to KLT some years ago by the Australian High Commission. This will give a computerised catalogue (accessible by staff and children) and a computerised issue system.
· Kids in Mathare North have been writing stories and accounts of how the post election violence affected them. The best of these will be sent to Beverley Naidoo (our patron, and famous children’s author) who wants to read them.
· We got the new camcorder in March- and are now in receipt of a digital camera, donated by Carol Craven from Martha’s Vineyard in the USA! Susan Phillips visited the USA recently and brought the camera back with her. This will be so useful for good quality photos for the website.
· Anne gave a talk to 11 year olds at Rosslyn Academy. As a result we now have a power-point presentation suitable to show children! It was very interesting to see what these – mainly- ex patriate children knew about the lot of children of their own age in Kenya. The children also donated seven boxes of books!!
· Githurai we are told is still coming on, waiting for its next batch of funding. Anne and Patrick had a meeting with the Dutch donor (money given to MYSA). Not hopeful.
· Kasarani is still putting out proposals for funding of their proposed centre.
· Ngong Town is also still trying to find funding for their children’s library. The largest part of the costings here is for their sustainability scheme.. they want to raise chickens
· Sipili we are still trying to find a donor to build us a new building, as Lariak Primary school has asked us to move out as they have decided that they need the two classrooms we are currently using. We have the land donated, and are looking for approximately 1.6 million Kenyan shillings to build a building exactly the same size as the one we are leaving. The money includes fencing, a toilet block, a security guard house and solar power. We are also looking for a sustainability plan here... we still think the purchase of a tractor and plough would be appropriate here, as we can hire it out and use the profit to sustain the library, staff etc.
· Susan had managed to find someone to publish the wonderful ‘Trading Fives’ book she and ISK produced with groups of children from ISK and Mathare North last year. She is hoping to sell them through ISK and raise some money so the Mathare North kids can have a copy of their own each.
· We are also trying to find first aid kits and fire extinguishers for each of the centres. AFK in the USA have promised us First Aid Kits when they come over in August. THANK YOU!!!
· STILL NEED A NEW TRUSTEE and chair, as Smita is no longer available...ALSO a new treasurer, both willing to be signatories on the KLT account.. SUGGESTIONS PLEASE??